Monday, March 17, 2008

Gotta do something.

Pic of the day 76/365
Some links...
First an attempt to make light of a bad situation ... I disagree with many items in this article. But it is interesting.

Web has unexpected effect on journalism

I give you this next link in hopes that you will take a fragment of time for the day to view it in it's entirety.

Bearing Witness: Five years in Iraq

As much as I have already been dragged down by the small town photojournalism. So much that I have begun to strongly consider a different path for my work. Seeing the presentation in the above link reignites the flame in me. With that flame comes an air of anxiety, eagerness and longing.

Many may think I am crazy for wanting to be the one who captures such images and is in the middle of the war-torn and chaotic worlds. I see it as an honorable task to take on. A receipt for proof of existence in that time and place.

I wanna be one to change a person's "out of sight, out of mind" demeanor about events in the world.

I want to pull people away from their couches as they are drooling over the next "idol" and feed them some reality. This is the most documented era and most documented "war". However the people are less informed about what is actually going on. This is thanks to the wonderful "unbiased and fair and balanced" news outlets they are presented with.
The link provides you will things you don't see on the evening news or the morning edition (I could go on a rant about why they are not there) These are the things that should fill those outlets rather than some teenie-bopper popping out another bastard child or which washed up Hollywood has- been got a DUI last night.
I understand people finding solace in the fantasy world of TV land, the land of ignorance and bliss, the land of naiveté. But some day reality is going to come at them. Not in the form of Donald Trump's feeble attempt to rake in another million but in the form of civil unrest, injustice, violence and destruction. That is reality. Imagine a world where people spent as much money feeding those without a meal each night as they do voting for their corporate conglomerate created idol they love to worship.

In interest of stealing too much time and rambling on incoherently. I will not verbalize the torrent of thoughts that have flooded in from typing the above.

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