Monday, February 11, 2008

Full o' Links

Pic of the day 41/365
It would appear someone is reading my blog...
Take a look at Rob Galbraith's post for today
and my post from yesterday LINK

I would like to take credit for pointing Rob there but I doubt that is the case. Good to see we both have a keen eye, or is it that we spend entirely too much time surfing the web?

Today in news, I had to rush out first thing in the morning to get a photo and gather some info on a house fire that claimed four lives. We were a bit late on the story the TV networks and another paper had covered the incident. However I got a decent quote from a neighbor when I ventured out to the scene in the morning.

After seeing a second tragic thing in a week you think about things and how humanity sucks... Standing outside the home I thought of this quote
"I am a photographer. I'm a voyeur. I'm an observer. Some of the things I see are hard to look at, some are not... but I have to look at them. That is what I do. That is who I am." - Mary Ellen Mark.

I have a thick skin, not sure where that came from. It takes alot to get to me. As far seen in gruesome things. I wont go into my emotional state here.

Later in the day I had to do a group photo of 12 sets of twins all in one elementary school. It was disastrous to say the least. One kid didn't show up so we were down to 23 right off the bat. The gym will full of science projects, the cafeteria workers wouldn't let kids sit on the tables which meant a venture outside. At this point one set of twins began to cry, one cried because the other began to cry. So here we are now with 21 of the 24 kids staring into the sun... I get six frames off and not a single one will work. So I get to work on a re-shoot in the not so distant future.

Cap it all off with a short story about PETA offering a reward for the arrest of the morons who killed five dogs last week LINK. The dog story was my first story that was picked up by the AP wire. They turned it in to about 4-inches from the original 25-inch story. That is news for you, just the facts... The train-wrecks, Brittany Spears and Amy Winehouse got more coverage in our paper as well as every other one in the country.

All in a day's work.

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