Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mistakes and lawsuits...

Pic of the day 64/365
Link of the day
National Geographic photographer Annie Griffiths Belt describes the makings of some of her images.
A Camera, Two kids and a Camel

Today in the newsroom, I am having trouble bringing words to it.

Basically long story short, a murder story ran this week and man was arrested and charged for it. The paper thought they ran a mug shot of said man. Well, that mug shot was not the man who was arrested and charged for the said murder.

Big Big Big mistake.
Why did this happen?
This is also the result of someone who isn't passionate about their career. They do their job just for a paycheck. You can't have this in a newsroom. You have to care! You have to spend that extra 1-3 seconds checking "date modified" or file names to assure you are doing your job correctly. When you aren't multi-tasking and do the same thing day-in and day-out this should become second nature.

Maybe I expect too much out of others. So many things come naturally to me, like computers, cameras, and photography. I forget that others don't have the same grasp on some things like I do. Then again I haven't made a career out of laying out the page of a newspaper everyday, so my knowledge on that is limited. Just seems like a mistake that is difficult to make.

Maybe I'm wrong. But I would bet that I am not.

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