Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pound cake, rain and "SPORTS!"

Pic of the day 63/365
Rainy day.

Here is a look back at February.

Inappropriate behaviors amongst co-workers or maybe just those little annoyances that you love to hate. Let's face it they make your day go by faster even though they send chills up your spine and get the vein in your forehead throbbing. Everyone has them in their day-to-day but when you are in an office they tend to get amplified.
Sometimes it is the inappropriate web-sites some visit.
Could be that noise someone makes as the exit the building ten times a day
Or even how someone speaks to you that makes you well up with some words that might get you canned.

I spent the day in the office, slow news day.
Newsrooms are meant to be non-partisan, unbiased and spread the truth. If only this was a reality instead of the neo-McCarthist and Orwellian impending future we face, and not just in the newsroom.
As I have said before news corporations are owned and operated by partisan hacks that spread their idea of the "truth."
Newsrooms are packed with racism, prejudice, tension and arrogance. Some get away with calling themselves "fair and balanced" just because their audience is gullible enough to swallow their soylent green for the day.
At times words are taken out of a writers well crafted story with polysyllabic words and great reference to a piece of literature and gets replaced with something that sounds as if a grammar schooler slapped it together.
Why is this done? It dumbs down the copy... I guess when quality isn't a concern it is ok to "dumb it down."
What is so wrong with making a reader run to a dictionary or search the web for the meaning of that reference you made. If you can inform and educate a reader that much more with your story I say go for it.
Let's pick up where are public schools are failing and not allow prejudice, apathy, ignorance and disrespect. Also, lets bring that freedom back to the press.

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